My story

传记 - 中文

刘楠与时俱进 博采众长 承载百年家族绘画使命迈向新纪元.

1958年生于北京, (祖父 刘奎龄, 父 刘继卣 )四岁开始习画, 毕业于: 比利时皇家美术学院, 比利时圣吕克(st-Luc)高等美术学院. 现为: 国际造型美术家协会比利时分会理事, 欧盟美术家协会会员, 法国艺术家协会会员, 比利时皇家美术家协会会员. 1963年伦敦国际儿童绘画大奖赛金奖, 1990年 比利时皇家美协绘画大奖赛特等奖, 1991年奥地利 尤里卡国际绘画大赛银奖, 1992年巴黎吕德斯国际绘画大奖赛银奖, 1994年布鲁塞尔第四届国际绘画大赛一等奖, 1996年法国尼斯国际造型艺术大奖赛金奖, 2004年巴黎法国国际艺术家沙龙铜奖.

1978年 参加拍摄 北京电影制片厂 “三代画家”, 1979年入选中国青年艺术家东京, 大板,纽约,洛杉基巡回展, 1981年南京博物院 “姐弟三人展”, 1985年巴黎 “欧洲华裔艺术家联展”, 1989年比利时沙尔拉华美术馆 “天才艺术家沙龙”, 1991年 摩纳哥 蒙地卡罗26届现代国际艺术家沙龙, 1992年比利时国家电视台专访“中国画家刘楠”, 1994年苏富比拍卖公司 “法比拉皇后基金”收购, 2006年巴黎卢浮宫 “卡鲁塞尔现代艺术沙龙”, 2008年纽约 “欧洲现代艺术家联展”, 2009年 布鲁塞尔皇家美术馆 “欧巴罗艺术节”. 自1990年至2012年 作品入选 巴黎大皇宫 “法国艺术家沙龙”. 1982年至今曾在奥地利, 德国, 荷兰, 比利时, 卢森堡, 英国, 日本, 法国, 美国, 西班牙, 画廊及博物馆举办个展.

Bio - English

Liu Nan was born in 1958 in Beijing. He is LiuJiyou’s son and LiuKuiling’s grandson.

He was four years old when he started to study painting. He graduated from the Belgian Royal Academy of Fine Arts and the Belgian Institute Saint-Luc, an excellent arts school. He is the member of a council of the Belgium branch of the International Artists Association. He is a member of the European Union Artists Association. He is a member of the French Artists Society. He is also a member of the Royal Artists Association in Belgium.

In 1963, he was awarded the gold medal in the London International Contest of children’s paintings. In 1990, he received a special award in the Belgian Royal Fine Arts Society. He also was awarded the bronze medal in an International Painting Contest in Austria. In 1991, he received the silver medal in Lutece International Painting Contest. In 1994, he won the silver medal in the fourth Brussels International Painting Contest. In 1996, LiuNan won the gold medal in the Nice International Plastic Arts Exhibit. In 2003, he was awarded the bronze medal in the French Artists Exhibit in Paris.

In 1978, he starred in the Beijing produced film called: “Three generations of painters.” In 1979, his paintings were selected by the Chinese “Exhibit of Works of Young Artists”. They were shown in Tokyo, Osaka, New York and Los Angeles. In 1981, his work was exhibited in the Nanjing museum: “Elder Sisters and Younger Brother – Three Painters.” In 1985, he participated in the “Chinese Artists in Europe” exhibit. In 1989, he was invited to the Charleroi Modern Art Museum in Belgium as part of the “Young & Talented Artists Exhibit.” In 1991, he also was invited to the 26th International Modern Artists exhibit in Monaco. In 1992, Belgium national TV interviewed him as “LiuNan, Chinese painter.” In 1994, his paintings were purchased by Queen Fabiola’s Fund at Sotheby’s. In 2006, his work was exhibited in the Louvre Museum in Paris – in the “Carrousel Modern Art Exhibit.” Other exhibits – In 2008, in New York: “European Contemporary Artists Exhibit” and in 2009, in the Royal Art Museum in Brussels – “The Barlow Art Festival.” From 1990 to 2010, his paintings were exhibited in Paris, at the French Artists Exhibit in the Grand Palais. Ever since 1982, LiuNan’s work has been exhibited in museums and galleries in Austria, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Great Britain, Japan, France, The United States and Spain.

In 1982, after mastering traditional painting and his family’s painting techniques, LiuNan went to Europe to explore another art world which had greatly influenced his grandfather’s and father’s painting techniques.
He worked hard while looking for the true meaning of art. After long years of research, he discovered his own artistic style and creativity. He deeply mastered the comprehension of light, colors and shapes which his father and grandfather were searching for in western modern techniques, especially from the Impressionism. He understood how to subtly blend light and color, concepts and forms, virtuality and reality in his drawings, thus reaching a very special position in the international painting field.

Bio - Francais

Liu Nan est issu d’une famille d’artistes qui collectionna les honneurs sur trois générations, Liu Nan réussit l’amalgame entre une tradition millénaire, l’assimilation de l’art occidental et une technique résolument moderne.

Né à Pékin en 1958, Liu Nan appartient à une lignée de peintres chinois illustres. Son grand-père, Liu Kuiling (1885-1967), vit dans une sorte de communion avec la nature qui nourrit largement son inspiration de peintre animalier. Animaux et insectes de toutes sortes évoluent dans des décors d’une rare beauté dont la minutie fait figure de prouesse technique. Liu Jiyou (1918-1983), son père, suit la même voie tout en pratiquant également le portrait. Ses compositions aux couleurs subtiles et foisonnantes de détails lui valent une reconnaissance nationale. Quand à ses dessins humoristiques, ils possèdent cette verse propre aux grands maîtres du genre.

Nanti de ce prestigieux héritage, Liu Nan pratique le dessin et la peinture depuis sa plus tendre enfance. Installé en Belgique depuis quelques années, il s’y est frotté à l’art de nos régions tout en conservant un précieux bagage de tradition et d’inspiration orientales. De cette fusion de cultures est née une peinture qui mêle, au sein d’une même composition, des éléments résolument figuratifs et des fonds abstraits. Il en émane une atmosphère hors du temps, entre image et symbole. Les sujets sont clairement empruntés au passé de son pays natal : cavaliers, chars impériaux, animaux fabuleux se découpent comme autant de silhouettes sur un paysage imaginaire et immatériel qui fait la part belle aux terres et aux ors.
À L’instar de ses ancêtres, il a fait de l’animal le maître absolu de cet univers onirique, renonçant à la profusion naturaliste pour explorer une voie plus intérieure. Certaines de ses toiles ne sont pas sans évoquer l’art pariétal qui chantait la force et l’élégance de la bête ou encore le mérite du chasseur. On y retrouve cette dimension symbolique qui fait en sorte que chaque élément dépasse largement le cadre de la simple représentation et se retrouve investi d’une force magique. Liu Nan aime mettre le sujet en exergue, à moins qu’il ne le décompose en plusieurs épisodes aux allures de fresque ou de frise décorative.

Liu Nan’s timeline over the years.



1st Grand Prize International Children’s Painting Competition in London.



Part of the documentary film “The LIU family artists-Painters three generations” by Beijing Film Studio.



Works Selected Young Chinese Painters Exhibition in Tokyo, Osaka, San-Francisco, New York.



Exhibition Three artists at the Museum of Nanjing (China).



Exhibition at the Palace of Fine Arts in HaErbinen (China).



2nd Prize at the European Art Exhibition (Austria).



Independence Fair in Paris and French Artists Fair in Paris.



Silver medal at the International Lutèce Competition in Paris.

International Contemporary Arts Fair in Monte-Carlo (Monaco).



Salon d’Automne in Paris.

Prize Manuel Scorza Universal painting competition Brussels.

Art-Gala 94 for Queen Fabiola Foundation by Sotheby’s.



Create a work for the Beijing Convention Center.



Gold medal at the international plastic arts competition in Nice, France.



Create a work for the Beijing Convention Center.



Bronze Medal Salon of French Artists at the Grand-Palais Paris.



Modern Art Fair at the Carrousel du Louvre in Paris.



European Contemporary Arts Fair in New York.



Europalia arts festival Royal Museum of Fine Arts in Brussels.



Honor Award International Calligraphy Painting Exhibition in National Museum of China.



Exhibition LIU’s artists-Painters three generations Poly Museum Beijing China.




Exhibition Liu’s artists-Painters three generations National Museum Taipei Taiwan.